​University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill
*Co-first author, †Co-corresponding author
Selected publications
Lee S*, McAfee JC*, Lee J*, Gomez A, Ledford AT, Clarke D, Min H, Gerstein MB, Boyle AP, Sullivan PF, Beltran AS, Won H. Massively parallel reporter assay investigates shared genetic variants of eight psychiatric disorders. (2025) Cell doi: 10.1016/j.cell.2024.12.022.
Degner KN, Bell JL, Jones SD, Won H. Just a SNP away: The future of in vivo massively parallel reporter assay. (2024) Cell Insight doi: 10.1016/j.cellin.2024.100214. Selected as a Cover Article
IGVF consortium (Degner KN, Mah W, Won H) (2024) Deciphering the impact of genomic variation on function. Nature doi: 10.1038/s41586-024-07510-0.
Carnes MU, Quach BC, Zhou L, Han S, Tao R, Mandal M, Deep-Soboslay A, Marks JA, Page GP, Maher BS, Jaffe AE, Won H, Bierut LJ, Hyde TM, Kleinman JE, Johnson EO, Hancock DB. Smoking-informed methylation and expression QTLs in human brain and colocalization with smoking-associated genetic loci. (2024) Neuropsychopharmacology doi: 10.1038/s41386-024-01885-4.
Emani PS*, Liu JJ*, Clarke D*, Jensen M*, Warrell J*, Gupta C*, Meng R*, Lee CY*, Xu S*, Dursun C*, Lou S*, Chen Y, Chu Z, Galeev T, Hwang A, Li Y, Ni P, Zhou X, PsychENCODE Consortium, Bakken TE, Bendl J, Bicks L, Chatterjee T, Cheng L, Cheng Y, Dai Y, Duan Z, Flaherty M, Fullard JF, Gancz M, Garrido-Martín D, Gaynor-Gillett S, Grundman J, Hawken N, Henry E, Hoffman GE, Huang A, Jiang Y, Jin T, Jorstad NL, Kawaguchi R, Khullar S, Liu J, Liu J, Liu S, Ma S, Margolis M, Mazariegos S, Moore J, Moran JR, Nguyen E, Phalke N, Pjanic M, Pratt H, Quintero D, Rajagopalan AS, Riesenmy TR, Shedd N, Shi M, Spector M, Terwilliger R, Travaglini KJ, Wamsley B, Wang G, Xia Y, Xiao S, Yang AC, Zheng S, Gandal MJ, Lee D, Lein ES, Roussos P, Sestan N, Weng Z, White KP, Won H, Girgenti MJ†, Zhang J†, Wang D†, Geschwind D†, Gerstein M† (2024) Single-cell genomics and regulatory networks for 388 human brains. Science doi: 10.1126/science.adi5199.
Girault JB†, Veatch OJ, Won H (2024) Etiologic heterogeneity, pleiotropy, and polygenicity in behaviorally defined intellectual and developmental disabilities. Neurodev Disord. doi: 10.1186/s11689-024-09526-z.
McAfee JC*, Lee S*, Lee J, Bell JL, Krupa O, Davis J, Insigne K, Bond ML, Zhao N, Boyle BP, Phanstiel DH, Love MI, Stein JL, Ruzicka WB, Davila-Velderrain J, Kosuri S, Won H. (2023) Systematic investigation of allelic regulatory activity of schizophrenia-associated common variants. Cell Genomics doi: 10.1016/j.xgen.2023.100404.
Stauffer EM†, Bethlehem RAI, Dorfschmidt L, Won H, Warrier V, Bullmore ET. (2023) The genetic relationships between brain structure and schizophrenia. Nature Communications
Bond ML, Davis ES, Quiroga IY, Dey A, Kiran M, Love MI, Won H†, Phanstiel DH†. (2023) Chromatin loop dynamics during cellular differentiation are associated with changes to both anchor and internal regulatory features. Genome Res. doi: 10.1101/gr.277397.122.
Akbarian S†, Won H. (2023) Chromosomal contacts change with age. Science doi: 10.1126/science.adk0961.
Warrier V†, Stauffer EM, Huang QQ, Wigdor EM, Slob EAW, Seidlitz J, Ronan L, Valk SL, Mallard TT, Grotzinger AD, Romero-Garcia R, Baron-Cohen S, Geschwind DH, Lancaster MA, Murray GK, Gandal MJ, Alexander-Bloch A, Won H, Martin HC, Bullmore ET, Bethlehem RAI†. (2023) Genetic insights into human cortical organization and development through genome-wide analyses of 2,347 neuroimaging phenotypes. Nature Genetics doi: 10.1038/s41588-023-01475-y.
Levin MG, Huffman JE, Verma A, Sullivan KA, Rodriguez AA, Kainer D, Garvin MR, Lane M, Cashman M, Miller JI, Won H, Li B, Luo Y, Jarvik GP, Hakonarson H, Jasper EA, Bick AG, Tsao PS, Ritchie MD, Jacobson DA, Madduri RK, Damrauer SM. (2023) Genetics of varicose veins reveals polygenic architecture and genetic overlap with arterial and venous disease. Nature Cardiovascular Research doi: 10.1038/s44161-022-00196-5.
Sey NYA, Pratt BM, Won H. (2023) Annotating genetic variants to target genes using H-MAGMA. Nature Protocol doi: 10.1038/s41596-022-00745-z.
Wen J, Trost B, Engchuan W, Halvorsen M, Pallotto LM, Mitina A, Ancalade N, Farrell M, Backstrom I, Guo K, Pellecchia G, Thiruvahindrapuram B, Giusti-Rodriguez P, Rosen JD, Li Y, Won H, Magnusson PKE, Gyllensten U, Bassett AS, Hultman CM, Sullivan PF, Yuen RKC, Szatkiewicz JP. (2023) Rare tandem repeat expansions associate with genes involved in synaptic and neuronal signaling functions in schizophrenia. Mol Psychiatry doi: 10.1038/s41380-022-01857-4.
Plaza-Jennings AL, Valada A, O'Shea C, Iskhakova M, Hu B, Javidfar B, Ben Hutta G, Lambert TY, Murray J, Kassim B, Chandrasekaran S, Chen BK, Morgello S†, Won H†, Akbarian S†. (2022) HIV integration in the human brain is linked to microglial activation and 3D genome remodeling. Mol Cell doi: 10.1016/j.molcel.2022.11.016.
Liu S*, Won H*, Clarke D, Matoba N, Khullar S, Mu Y, Wang D†, Gerstein M†. (2022) Illuminating links between cis-regulators and trans-acting variants in the human prefrontal cortex. Genome Medicine doi: 10.1186/s13073-022-01133-8.
Reed KSM, Davis ES, Bond ML, Cabrera A, Thulson E, Quiroga IY, Cassel S, Woolery KT, Hilton I, Won H, Love MI, Phanstiel DH. (2022) Temporal analysis suggests a reciprocal relationship between 3D chromatin structure and transcription. Cell Rep. doi: 10.1016/j.celrep.2022.111567.
Won H, Huguet G, Jacquemont S. (2022) Rare and common autism risk variants converge across 16p. Nature Genetics doi: 10.1038/s41588-022-01219-4.
McAfee JC, Bell JL, Krupa O, Matoba N, Stein JL†, Won H†. (2022) Focus on your locus with a massively parallel reporter assay. Journal of Neurodevelopmental Disorders (2022) doi: 10.1186/s11689-022-09461-x.
Raznahan A†, Won H, Glahn DC, Jacquemont S. (2022) Convervence and divergence of rare genetic disorders on brain phenotypes. JAMA Psychiatry doi: 10.1001/jamapsychiatry.2022.1450.
Sey NYA, Hu B, Iskhakova M, Lee S, Sun H, Shokrian N, Ben Hutta G, Marks JA, Quach BC, Johnson EO, Hancock DB, Akbarian S†, Won H†. (2022) Chromatin architecture in addiction circuitry identifies risk genes and potential biological mechanisms underlying cigarette smoking and alcohol use traits. Mol Psychiatry doi: 10.1038/s41380-022-01558-y.
Liu D, Zinski A, Mishra A, Noh H, Park GH, Qin Y, Olorife O, Park JM, Abani CP, Park JS, Fung J, Sawaqed F, Coyle JT, Stahl E, Bendl J, Fullard JF, Roussos P, Zhang X, Stanton PK, Yin C, Huang W, Kim HY, Won H, Cho JH, Chung S. (2022) Impact of schizophrenia GWAS loci converge onto distinct pathways in cortical interneurons vs glutamatergic neurons during development. Mol Psychiatry doi: 10.1038/s41380-022-01654-z.
Quiroga IY, Cruikshank AE, Bond ML, Reed KSM, Evangelista BA, Tseng JH, Ragusa JV, Meeker RB, Won H, Cohen S, Cohen TJ, Phanstiel DH. (2022) Synthetic amyloid beta does not induce a robust transcriptional response in innate immune cell culture systems. J Neuroinflammation doi: 10.1186/s12974-022-02459-1.
Plooster M, Rossi G, Farrell MS, McAfee JC, Bell JL, Ye M, Diering GH, Won H, Gupton SL, Brennwald P. (2021) Schizophrenia-Linked Protein tSNARE1 Regulates Endosomal Trafficking in Cortical Neurons. J Neurosci. doi: 10.1523/JNEUROSCI.0556-21.2021.
Pratt BM, Won H. (2021) Advances in profiling chromatin architecture shed light on the regulatory dynamics underlying brain disorders. Seminars in Cell & Developmental Biology doi: 10.1016/j.semcdb.2021.08.013.
Yu AW, Peery JD, Won H. (2021) Limited Association between Schizophrenia Genetic Risk Factors and Transcriptomic Features. Genes doi: 10.3390/genes12071062.
Hu B*, Won H*†, Mah W, Park R, Kassim B, Spiess K, Kozlenkov A, Crowley CA, Pochareddy S, Li Y, Dracheva S, Sestan N, Akbarian S, Geschwind DH†. (2020) Neuronal and glial 3D chromatin architecture informs the cellular etiology of brain disorders. Nature Communications doi: 10.1038/s41467-021-24243-0.
Palmer RHC, Johnson EC, Won H, Polimanti R, Kapoor M, Chitre A, Bogue MC, Benca-Bachman CE, Parker CC, Ursu O, Verma A, Reynolds T, Ernst J, Bray M, Kwon SB, Lai D, Quach BC, Gaddis NC, Saba L, Chen H, Hawrylycz M, Zhang S, Zhou Y, Mahaffey S, Fischer C, Sanchez-Roige S, Bandrowski A, Qing L, Shen L, Philip V, Gelernter J, Bierut LJ, Hancock DB, Edenberg HJ, Johnson EO, Nestler EJ, Barr PB, Prins P, Smith DJ, Akbarian S, Thorgeirsson T, Walton D, Baker E, Jacobson D, Palmer AA, Miles M, Chesler EJ, Emerson J, Agrawal A, Martone M, Williams RW. (2021). Integration of Evidence across Human and Model Organism Studies: A Meeting Report. Genes Brain Behav. doi: 10.1111/gbb.12738.
Hu B, Won H. (2021). Chromatin architecture provides a roadmap to improve our understanding of psychiatric disorders. Neuropsychopharmacology doi: 10.1038/s41386-020-00822-5.
Quach BC, Bray MJ, Gaddis NC, Liu M, Palviainen T, Minica CC, Zellers S, Sherva R, Aliev F, Nothnagel M, Young KA, Marks JA, Young H, Carnes MU, Guo Y, Waldrop A, Sey NYA, Landi MT, McNeil DW, Drichel D, Farrer LA, Markunas CA, Vink JM, Hottenga JJ, Iacono WG, Kranzler HR, Saccone NL, Neale MC, Madden P, Rietschel M, Marazita ML, McGue M, Won H, Winterer G, Grucza R, Dick DM, Gelernter J, Caporaso NE, Baker TB, Boomsma DI, Kaprio J, Hokanson JE, Vrieze S, Bierut LJ, Johnson EO, Hancock DB. (2020). Expanding the genetic architecture of nicotine dependence and its shared genetics with multiple traits. Nature Communications doi: 10.1038/s41467-020-19265-z.
Crowley C, Yang Y, Qiu Y, Hu B, Abnousi A, Lipiński J, Plewczyński D, Wu D, Won H, Ren B, Hu M, Li Y. (2020). FIREcaller: Detecting Frequently Interacting Regions from Hi-C Data. Computational and Structural Biotechnology Journal doi: 10.1016/j.csbj.2020.12.026.
de Leeuw C†, Sey NYA, Posthuma D, Won H†. (2020). A response to Yurko et al: H-MAGMA, inheriting a shaky statistical foundation, yields excess false positives. bioRxiv doi: 10.1101/2020.09.25.310722.
Ramaswami G, Won H, Gandal MJ, Haney J, Wang JC, Wong CCY, Sun W, Prabhakar S, Mill J, Geschwind DH. (2020). Integrative genomics identifies a convergent molecular subtype that links epigenomic with transcriptomic differences in autism. Nature Communications doi: 10.1038/s41467-020-18526-1.
Matoba N, Liang D, Sun H, Aygün N, McAfee JC, Davis JE, Raffield LM, Qian H, Piven J, Li Y, Kosuri S, Won H†, Stein JL†. (2020). Common genetic risk variants identified in the SPARK cohort support DDHD2 as a candidate risk gene for autism. Transl Psychiatry. doi: 10.1038/s41398-020-00953-9.
Spiess K, Won H. (2020). Regulatory landscape in brain development and disease. Current Opinion in Genetics and Development doi: 10.1016/j.gde.2020.05.007.
Sey NYA, Hu B, Mah W, Fauni H, McAfee JC, Rajarajan P, Brennand KJ, Akbarian S, Won H. (2020). A computational tool (H-MAGMA) for improved prediction of brain-disorder risk genes by incorporating brain chromatin interaction profiles. Nature Neuroscience doi: 10.1038/s41593-020-0603-0. Selected as a Cover Article
Matoba N, Quiroga IY., Phanstiel, DH†, Won H†. (2020). Mapping Alzheimer's Disease Variants to Their Target Genes Using Computational Analysis of Chromatin Configuration. J. Vis. Exp. doi: 10.3791/60428.
Mah W, Won H. (2020). The three-dimensional landscape of the genome in human brain tissue unveils regulatory mechanisms leading to schizophrenia risk. Schizophr Res. doi: 10.1016/j.schres.2019.03.007.
Lee PH†, Anttila V, Won H, Feng YCA, Rosenthal J, Zhu Z, Tucker-Drob EM, Nivard MG, Grotzinger AD, Posthuma D, Wang MMJ, Yu D, Stahl E, Walters RK, Anney RJL, Duncan LE, Belangero S, Luykx J, Kranzler H, Keski-Rahkonen A, Cook EH, Kirov G, Coppola G, Kaprio J, Zai CC, Hoekstra PJ, Banaschewski T, Rohde LA, PGC Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder Group, PGC Autism Spectrum Disorder Group, PGC Bipolar Disorder Group, PGC Eating Disorders Group, PGC Major Depressive Disorder Group, PGC Obsessive Compulsive Disorder and Tourette Syndrome Group, PGC Schizophrenia Group, Sullivan PF, Franke B, Daly MJ, Bulik CM, Lewis CM, McIntosh AM, O'Donovan MC, Zheutlin A, Andreassen OA, Borglum AD, Breen G, Edenberg HJ, Fanous AH, Faraone SV, Gelernter J, Mathews CA, Mattheisen M, Mitchell K, Neale MC, Nurnberger JI, Ripke S, Santangelo SL, Scharf JM, Stein MB, Thornton LM, Walters JTR, Wray NR, Geschwind DH, Neale B, Kendler KS†, Smoller JW†. (2019). Genomic Relationships, Novel Loci, and Pleiotropic Mechanisms across Eight Psychiatric Disorders. Cell doi: 10.1016/j.cell.2019.11.020
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Warrier V, Toro R, Won H, Leblond CS, Cliquet F, Delorme R, Witte WD, Bralten J, Chakrabarti B, Børglum AD, Grove J, Poelmans G, Hinds DA, Bourgeron T, Baron-Cohen S. (2019). Social and non-social autism symptoms and trait domains are genetically dissociable. Communications Biology doi: 10.1038/s42003-019-0558-4.
Won H, Huang J, Opland CK, Hartl CL, Geschwind DH. (2019). Human evolved regulatory elements modulate genes involved in cortical expansion and neurodevelopmental disease susceptibility. Nature Communications doi: 10.1038/s41467-019-10248-3.
Grove J, Ripke S, Als TD, Mattheisen M, Walters RK, Won H, Pallesen J, Agerbo E, Andreassen OA, Anney R, Awashti S, Belliveau R, Bettella F, Buxbaum JD, Bybjerg-Grauholm J, Bækvad-Hansen M, Cerrato F, Chambert K, Christensen JH, Churchhouse C, Dellenvall K, Demontis D, De Rubeis S, Devlin B, Djurovic S, Dumont AL, Goldstein JI, Hansen CS, Hauberg ME, Hollegaard MV, Hope S, Howrigan DP, Huang H, Hultman CM, Klei L, Maller J, Martin J, Martin AR, Moran JL, Nyegaard M, Nærland T, Palmer DS, Palotie A, Pedersen CB, Pedersen MG, dPoterba T, Poulsen JB, Pourcain BS, Qvist P, Rehnström K, Reichenberg A, Reichert J, Robinson EB, Roeder K, Roussos P, Saemundsen E, Sandin S, Satterstrom FK, Davey Smith G, Stefansson H, Steinberg S, Stevens CR, Sullivan PF, Turley P, Walters GB, Xu X; Autism Spectrum Disorder Working Group of the Psychiatric Genomics Consortium; BUPGEN; Major Depressive Disorder Working Group of the Psychiatric Genomics Consortium; 23andMe Research Team, Stefansson K, Geschwind DH, Nordentoft M, Hougaard DM, Werge T, Mors O, Mortensen PB, Neale BM, Daly MJ, Børglum AD. (2019). Identification of common genetic risk variants for autism spectrum disorder. Nature Genetics doi: 10.1038/s41588-019-0344-8.
Schork AJ, Won H, Appadurai V, Nudel R, Gandal M, Delaneau O, Revsbech Christiansen M, Hougaard DM, Bækved-Hansen M, Bybjerg-Grauholm J, Giørtz Pedersen M, Agerbo E, Bøcker Pedersen C, Neale BM, Daly MJ, Wray NR, Nordentoft M, Mors O, Børglum AD, Bo Mortensen P, Buil A, Thompson WK, Geschwind DH, Werge T. (2019). A genome-wide association study of shared risk across psychiatric disorders implicates gene regulation during fetal neurodevelopment. Nature Neuroscience doi: 10.1038/s41593-018-0320-0.
Wang D*, Liu S*, Warrell J*, Won H*, Shi X*, Navarro FCP*, Clarke D*, Gu M*, Emani P*, Yang YT, Xu M, Gandal MJ, Lou S, Zhang J, Park JJ, Yan C, Rhie SK, Manakongtreecheep K, Zhou H, Nathan A, Peters M, Mattei E, Fitzgerald D, Brunetti T, Moore J, Jiang Y, Girdhar K, Hoffman GE, Kalayci S, GümüÅŸ ZH, Crawford GE; PsychENCODE Consortium, Roussos P, Akbarian S, Jaffe AE, White KP, Weng Z, Sestan N, Geschwind DH†, Knowles JA†, Gerstein MB†. (2018). Comprehensive functional genomic resource and integrative model for the human brain. Science 362(6420).
Gandal MJ, Zhang P, Hadjimichael E, Walker RL, Chen C, Liu S, Won H, van Bakel H, Varghese M, Wang Y, Shieh AW, Haney J, Parhami S, Belmont J, Kim M, Moran Losada P, Khan Z, Mleczko J, Xia Y, Dai R, Wang D, Yang YT, Xu M, Fish K, Hof PR, Warrell J, Fitzgerald D, White K, Jaffe AE; PsychENCODE Consortium, Peters MA, Gerstein M, Liu C, Iakoucheva LM, Pinto D, Geschwind DH. (2018). Transcriptome-wide isoform-level dysregulation in ASD, schizophrenia, and bipolar disorder. Science 362(6420).
Li M, Santpere G, Imamura Kawasawa Y, Evgrafov OV, Gulden FO, Pochareddy S, Sunkin SM, Li Z, Shin Y, Zhu Y, Sousa AMM, Werling DM, Kitchen RR, Kang HJ, Pletikos M, Choi J, Muchnik S, Xu X, Wang D, Lorente-Galdos B, Liu S, Giusti-Rodríguez P, Won H, de Leeuw CA, Pardiñas AF; BrainSpan Consortium; PsychENCODE Consortium; PsychENCODE Developmental Subgroup, Hu M, Jin F, Li Y, Owen MJ, O'Donovan MC, Walters JTR, Posthuma D, Levitt P, Weinberger DR, Hyde TM, Kleinman JE, Geschwind DH, Hawrylycz MJ, State MW, Sanders SJ, Sullivan PF, Gerstein MB, Lein ES, Knowles JA, Sestan N. (2018). Integrative functional genomic analysis of human brain development and neuropsychiatric risks. Science 362(6420).
Rajarajan P, Borrman T, Liao W, Schrode N, Flaherty E, Casiño C, Powell S, Yashaswini C, LaMarca EA, Kassim B, Javidfar B, Espeso-Gil S, Li A, Won H, Geschwind DH, Ho SM, MacDonald M, Hoffman GE, Roussos P, Zhang B, Hahn CG, Weng Z, Brennand KJ†, Akbarian S†. Neuron-specific signatures in the chromosomal connectome associated with schizophrenia risk. (2018). Science 362(6420).
Demontis D, Walters RK, Martin J, Mattheisen M, Als TD, Agerbo E, Baldursson G, Belliveau R, Bybjerg-Grauholm J, Bækvad-Hansen M, Cerrato F, Chambert K, Churchhouse C, Dumont A, Eriksson N, Gandal M, Goldstein JI, Grasby KL, Grove J, Gudmundsson OO, Hansen CS, Hauberg ME, Hollegaard MV, Howrigan DP, Huang H, Maller JB, Martin AR, Martin NG, Moran J, Pallesen J, Palmer DS, Pedersen CB, Pedersen MG, Poterba T, Poulsen JB, Ripke S, Robinson EB, Satterstrom FK, Stefansson H, Stevens C, Turley P, Walters GB, Won H, Wright MJ; ADHD Working Group of the Psychiatric Genomics Consortium (PGC); Early Lifecourse & Genetic Epidemiology (EAGLE) Consortium; 23andMe Research Team, Andreassen OA, Asherson P, Burton CL, Boomsma DI, Cormand B, Dalsgaard S, Franke B, Gelernter J, Geschwind D, Hakonarson H, Haavik J, Kranzler HR, Kuntsi J, Langley K, Lesch KP, Middeldorp C, Reif A, Rohde LA, Roussos P, Schachar R, Sklar P, Sonuga-Barke EJS, Sullivan PF, Thapar A, Tung JY, Waldman ID, Medland SE, Stefansson K, Nordentoft M, Hougaard DM, Werge T, Mors O, Mortensen PB, Daly MJ, Faraone SV, Børglum AD, Neale BM. (2018). Discovery of the first genome-wide significant risk loci for attention deficit/hyperactivity disorder. Nature Genetics doi: 10.1038/s41588-018-0269-7.
Short PJ, McRae JF, Gallone G, Sifrim A, Won H, Geschwind DH, Wright CF, Firth HV, FitzPatrick DR, Barrett JC, Hurles ME. (2018). De novo mutations in regulatory elements in neurodevelopmental disorders. Nature 555:611-616.
Chen JA, Chen Z, Won H, Huang AY, Lowe JK, Wojta K, Yokoyama JS, Bensimon G, Leigh PN, Payan C, Shatunov A, Jones AR, Lewis CM, Deloukas P, Amouyel P, Tzourio C, Dartigues JF, Ludolph A, Boxer AL, Bronstein JM, Al-Chalabi A, Geschwind DH, Coppola G. (2018). Joint genome-wide association study of progressive supranuclear palsy identifies novel susceptibility loci and genetic correlation to neurodegenerative diseases. Mol Neurodegener. 13(1):41.
Gusev A, Mancuso N, Won H, Kousi M, Finucane HK, Reshef Y, Song L, Safi A, Schizophrenia Working Group of the Psychiatric Genomics Consortium, McCarroll S, Neale B, Ophoff RA, O’Donovan MC, Crawford GE, Geschwind DH, Katsanis N, Sullivan PF, Pasaniuc B. and Price AL. (2018). Transcriptome-wide association study of schizophrenia and chromatin activity yields mechanistic disease insights. Nature Genetics 50:538-548.
Pardiñas AF, Holmans P, Pocklington AJ, Escott-Price V, Ripke S, Carrera N, Legge SE, Bishop S, Cameron D, Hamshere ML, Han J, Hubbard L, Lynham A, Mantripragada K, Rees E, MacCabe JH, McCarroll SA, Baune BT, Breen G, Byrne EM, Dannlowski U, Eley TC, Hayward C, Martin NG, McIntosh AM, Plomin R, Porteous DJ, Wray NR, Caballero A, Geschwind DH, Huckins LM, Ruderfer DM, Santiago E, Sklar P, Stahl EA, Won H, Agerbo E, Als TD, Andreassen OA, Bækvad-Hansen M, Mortensen PB, Pedersen CB, Børglum AD, Bybjerg-Grauholm J, Djurovic S, Durmishi N, Pedersen MG, Golimbet V, Grove J, Hougaard DM, Mattheisen M, Molden E, Mors O, Nordentoft M, Pejovic-Milovancevic M, Sigurdsson E, Silagadze T, Hansen CS, Stefansson K, Stefansson H, Steinberg S, Tosato S, Werge T, Collier DA, Rujescu D, Kirov G, Owen MJ†, O'Donovan MC†, Walters JTR†; GERAD1 Consortium; CRESTAR Consortium. (2018). Common schizophrenia alleles are enriched in mutation-intolerant genes and in regions under strong background selection. Nature Genetics 50:381-389.
de la Torre-Ubieta L*, Stein JL*, Won H, Opland CK, Liang D, Lu D, Geschwind DH. (2018). The dynamic landscape of open chromatin during human cortical neurogenesis. Cell 172: 289-304.
Cantor RM, Navarro L, Won H, Walker RL, Lowe JK, and Geschwind DH. (2017). ASD restricted and repetitive behaviors associated at 17q21.33: genes prioritized by expression in fetal brains. Molecular Psychiatry doi: 10.1038/mp.2017.114.
Hormozdiari F, Zhu A, Kichaev G, Ju CJ, Segrè AV, Joo JWJ, Won H, Sankararaman S, Pasaniuc B, Shifman S, Eskin E. (2017). Widespread Allelic Heterogeneity in Complex Traits. Am J Hum Genet. 100:789-802.
Won H, de la Torre-Ubieta L, Stein JL, Huang J, Opland CK, Parikshak NN, Gandal MJ, Lu D, Sutton GJ, Hormozdiari F, Lee C, Eskin E, Voineagu I, Ernst J, Geschwind DH. (2016). Chromosome conformation elucidates regulatory relationships in developing human brain. Nature 538:523-527.
Gandal MJ, Leppa V, Won H, Parikshak NN, Geschwind DH. (2016). The road to precision psychiatry: translating genetics into disease mechanisms. Nature Neuroscience 19:1397-1407.
de la Torre-Ubieta L*, Won H*, Stein JL*, Geschwind DH. (2016). Advancing the understanding of autism disease mechanisms through genetics. Nature Medicine 22:345-361.
Akbarian S, Liu C, Knowles JA, Vaccarino FM, Farnham PJ, Crawford GE, Jaffe AE, Pinto D, Dracheva S, Geschwind DH, … Won H, … Sestan N. (2015). The PsychENCODE project. Nature Neurosci. 18:1707-1712.
Tian Y, Voineagu I, PaÅŸca SP, Won H, Chandran V, Horvath S, Dolmetsch RE, Geschwind DH. (2014). Alteration in basal and depolarization induced transcriptional network in iPSC derived neurons from Timothy syndrome. Genome Med. 6:75.
Parikshak NN, Luo R, Zhang A, Won H, Lowe JK, Chandran V, Horvath S, Geschwind DH. (2013). Integrative functional genomic analyses implicate specific molecular pathways and circuits in autism. Cell 55:1008-21.
Chung C, Ha S, Kang H, Lee J, Um SM, Yan H, Yoo YE, Yoo T, Jung H, Lee D, Lee E, Lee S, Kim J, Kim R, Kwon Y, Kim W, Kim H, Duffney L, Kim D, Mah W, Won H, Mo S, Kim JY, Lim CS, Kaang BK, Boeckers TM, Chung Y, Kim H, Jiang YH, Kim E. (2018). Early Correction of N-Methyl-D-Aspartate Receptor Function Improves Autistic-like Social Behaviors in Adult Shank2-/- Mice. Biol Psychiatry pii: S0006-3223(18)31896-1.
Lee KS, Chatterjee P, Choi EY, Sung MK, Oh J, Won H, Park SM, Kim YJ, Yi SV, Choi JK. (2018). Selection on the regulation of sympathetic nervous activity in humans and chimpanzees. PLoS Genet. 14:e1007311.
Won H, Mah W, Kim E. (2013). Autism spectrum disorder causes, mechanisms, and treatments: focus on neuronal synapses. Front. Mol. Neurosci. 6:19.
Won H*, Lee HR*, Gee HY*, Mah W*, Kim JI*, Lee J, Chung C, Jung ES, Cho YS, Park SG, Lee JS, Lee K, Kim D, Bae YC, Kaang BK†, Lee MG†, Kim E†. (2012). Autistic-like social behaviour in Shank2-mutant mice improved by restoring NMDA receptor function. Nature 486:261-265.
Won H*, Mah W*, Kim E, Kim JW, Hahm EK, Kim MH, Cho S, Kim JJ, Hyeran Jang, Cho SC, Kim BN, Shin MS, Seo J, Jeong J, Choi SY, Kim D, Kang C†, and Kim E†. (2011). GIT1 is associated with attention deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) and ADHD-like behaviors in mice. Nature Medicine 17:566–572.
Oh D*, Han S*, Seo J*, Lee JR*, Choi J, Groffen J, Kim K, Cho YS, Choi HS, Shin H, Woo J, Won H, Park SK, Kim SY, Jo J, Whitcomb DJ, Cho K, Kim H, Bae YC, Heisterkamp N, Choi SY, and Kim E. (2010). Regulation of Synaptic Rac1 Activity, LTP maintenance, and Learning and Memory by BCR and ABR Rac GTPase-activating proteins. J. Neurosci. 30:14134-14144.
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